Business survive on the work that employees do and that is why the hiring process is an important one. Before you bring any employee on board, you want to ensure that your business is ready for the move. In this article, I will be looking at some of the preparations that one should make to their business in readiness for a new hire.
Do your research
When you are looking to hire someone to your business, Walter Morales Baton Rouge suggests that you should start by researching the local market. Your research should cover similar job postings, companies that are hiring and how they are doing it, and the local economic landscape. Research will give you an idea of what things look like so that when you finally start the process yourself, you already know what to do
Get your paperwork in order
Hiring an employee involves a lot of paperwork. It is possible to automate most of the paperwork where you only make a few changes with each new hire. Let us take a look at some of the paperwork involves with each hire.
This form helps employers know how much money in taxes they need to withhold from every employee’s paycheck.
This form helps employers to understand if an employee is eligible for the new hire
Direct deposit form
This form is used by employers to collect employee’s banking information to make the payment process easier and faster.
Non-compete agreement
This agreement is meant to protect companies from employees who would take the skills they gain from their current employment and use it at a competing firm. Thus, the agreement specifies the amount of time that an employee is not allowed to work for, consult for, or engage in activities similar to what they were doing at a firm for a competing firm.
Preparing your business for hiring employees
